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A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling

Interactive Resource Centre (IRC) launched the project titled “Empowering Religious Minorities of Pakistan through Digital Storytelling” on February 13, 2020, in Lahore. The event was one of its types as a diverse pool of youth belonging to different religious backgrounds including Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, and Islam were provided with a platform to create a dialogue […]

The Royal Visit – A Love Hate Relationship

The Royal Couple, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton were on a 5-day trip to Pakistan. Their trip has finally come to an end after visiting several key locations in Pakistan. Their trip has drawn a lot of attention – from supporting local ventures and visiting scenic areas around Pakistan to […]

Episode Review: Atif Aslam’s Vocals With Mediocre Music

All eyes were on Coke Studio Season 12 because they brought Rohail Hayat back to produce the season. Rohail Hayat was associated with his unique style of mixing contemporary with regional classical and folk music. And that is precisely what the audience was expecting this time as well, along with the introduction of new faces […]

Take Aways From The Climate March 2019

It was great to see Pakistan join the global movement for awareness about climate change. Marches were taken out in several cities across Pakistan and people from all walks of life collaborated to bring the event at the forefront. Climate change affects everyone despite their age or profession or their social status. And the marches […]

Punjab Assembly Lawmaker accused of rape, flees country

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz MPA Attaur Rehman was accused of rape earlier this week. According to the victim, Rehman continued to rape her for 11 months, threatening to disclose a footage he filmed of the occurrence in case she decided to divulge his name and the rancidity associated with it. Rehman, also a Punjab Assembly lawmaker, fled abroad […]

Moiz And Shehzad Unpack Kami Sid Rape Case & Me Too Movement

Comedian Shehzad Ghias Shaikh has recently started a podcast series on YouTube called The Pakistan Experience (TPE). The first episode features Pakistan’s first drag standup comedian, Muhammad Moiz. For those of you who do not know, drag is someone who dresses as the opposing gender and performs as an entertainer especially to caricature stereotypically exaggerated […]

Unpacking The Imam Fiasco – It Is Not Sexual Harassment But What Is It?

Twitter is aghast with the controversy surrounding Pakistani cricketer Imam ul Haq. Under the banner of the me too movement, several women came forward with the claims that Imam was manipulating and deceiving them at the same time. Twitter is divided due to the debate that whether or not this counts as a me too […]

Plastic Wrapping Gone Wrong!

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Pakistan recently made it compulsory to get a plastic wrapping of all the checked-in luggage at the airport. The move is expected to protect the luggage of the travellers from being mismanaged when handlers have to swiftly move bags on and off planes. This was confirmed by Joint Director […]

The Ukhano Controversy – How Should We React?

Before going into an entire narrative on whether or not Ukhano is right or wrong, we have to learn to dissect sexual harassment allegations. We have to be wary of character assassination, online bullying, and be very sensitive when it comes to such allegations as they are tricky for all parties involved, especially with the […]

Of Apologies And Sexual Misconduct – Aziz Ansari

Aziz Ansari is back on tour after the whole sexual misconduct episode. Aziz Ansari is an American comedian, who was accused of sexual misconduct, by a photographer he went on a date with. Ansari’s initial reaction to the episode was that he was shocked that the person felt this way because he could not decipher […]

Rani Of Jhansi – The Woman Who Stood Tall Against The British

In our history books, history has been witnessed through the lens of male narrative. An involuntary consequence of it is that female narrative has been subdued and we often miss out on stories of amazing women that have shaped history as much as men around us. An example of this is the Mughal Era. We […]

Here’s How Pakistanis Spend Eid. Which One Are You?

Eid ul-Fitr is finally here after a month of fasting, ending Ramzan around the world. While Eid marks the end of a strenuous month, it also welcomes a new sense of self and celebration. From the elders of the family to the youngsters these days, everyone has a unique role to play. We have summed […]

The Untouched Beauty Of Gwadar Beaches

Everyone is familiar with the beauty of Pakistan’s northern areas, but only a few have taken the time to discover the mesmerizing charm of the country’s coast in the south. Since decades, whenever people in Pakistan talk about local traveling, the main idea that pops up in their mind is a trip to northern areas. […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About Rape Culture In Pakistan

The term rape culture was first introduced by an American feminist, Noreen Connell. She and her fellow, Cassandra Wilson, a New York Feminist, wrote the book Rape: A first sourcebook for women in 1974. Rape culture is defined as rape and other sexual violence that are normalized and viewed as inevitable by society and by […]

Myths About Transgenders We Need To Get Rid Of

Pakistan’s transgender community is one of the most oppressed and discriminated ones in society. This discrimination begins from their families who banish them from their homes for being different and not fitting into the gender norms defined by societies. These homeless and banished individuals are then taken into the shelter by the Guru-Chela system that […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About The Cyber Crime Bill Of Pakistan

Cyber means relating to the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality. It can also be used as a prefix to describe terms like cyber-crime, cyber-culture, cyberbullying, etc. Cyber includes the service of the internet which interconnects people from different places. The usage of internet has increased over the years. This has led to […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About The Transgender Persons Act In Pakistan

Transgenders have been a part of this society for a very long time. However, their influence has substantially reduced over the years. They were once advisors, administrators, and generals for the Mughal emperors and for the Ottoman Empire. They were highly respected in the Mughal Courts…

Say No To Harassment At Public Events

“A public event, as the name suggests, could refer to any event open for the general public. Exhibitions, expositions, fairs, festivals, entertainment, cause-related, fundraising, and leisure events are all examples of a public event.” By definition, public events are supposed to have an inclusion of all. Public events should be about delightful scenes, exciting environment, […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About The National Animal Of Pakistan

A nation is an individual country with people belonging to either similar culture, language or history. Each nation has its own set of national heroes, national symbols which add to the nation’s identity. Some of the things for Pakistan include Mango as the National Fruit, Sugarcane juice as the National Drink, Shalwar Kameez as the …

Labor Day: History And Labor Policy In Pakistan

For a lot of people, labor day means a day off or holiday. But why is it called Labor Day? Labor Day is a day designated to pay tribute to the working men and women. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and it has been celebrated as a national […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About The Federal Ministries Of Pakistan

Pakistan has a federal form of government. In a federal government, the state is divided into different governing strata. In Pakistan, we have different provinces and each province has the power to make its own laws and decisions. An example of this is different Consumer Rights Bills were passed for each province of Pakistan. The …

Behroopia: A Theater Performance On Gender Dysphoria

‘Our society has always failed to differentiate between gender and sex.’ Are these two the same? Let’s figure out! Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for men and women. Sex is the classification of people as male or female, typically […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out Interesting Facts About The Human Body

The human body has an intricate design. It consists of various external and internal organs. External organs mainly include skin, eyes, nose, ears, nails, lips, and fingers. Internally we have organs like liver, kidney, intestine, stomach, lungs, heart, brain, etc. What makes the human body so complex? …

Take This Quiz To Find Out More About Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal was born on the 8th of November, 1877. He was a famous Indian politician, philosopher, and poet who has said to have inspired the Pakistan Movement in British India. For that, he is known as the ‘Spiritual Father of Pakistan’. Allama Iqbal was a decedent of the Kashmiri Pandit family who migrated to …

Heritage Sites That Make Pakistan What It Is

April 11 is celebrated as World Heritage Day. National heritage is ‘anything of national significance which is handed down and preserved through generations especially, architecture, landscapes, documents, and other artifacts. It can also be a body set up to carry out this preservation’. Each of us has parts of the past that connects us to […]

Local Pakistani Travel Bloggers That Are Worth Your Time

An American travel blogger, Alex Reynolds, was invited among other foreign bloggers to Pakistan Tourism Summit to highlight the burgeoning travel industry of Pakistan. She, however, was allegedly not allowed to speak at the Summit due to the critical nature of her presentation. Among several key issues that she pointed out, one basic issue was […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out About Guru Nanak And Birth Of Sikhism

Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. He was born to a Hindu family on the 15th of April, 1469. From an early age, he was surrounded by Muslim and Hindu friends. Guru Nanak took the opportunity to learn about not just his own religion, but also about Islam. Due to his peculiar nature…

Take This Quiz To Find Out About Traditional Dances Of Pakistan

The subcontinent has had a rich culture. The British colonies and the Mughal Empire, religions like Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, contributed to its diversity. Do you know how much diversity is found in our country? From North-western Pakistan to South-Eastern Pakistan, you will notice …

What Do Our Buildings Say About Us?

What would you feel if you stand in front of a grand building like Punjab Assembly on a raised platform with double heighted columns? It will belittle you. As its human to height ratio is so big that a whole person’s height is equal to the base of its column. Because this building is designed […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out More About Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was born in Larkana, a small town of the province of Sindh to a noble Rajput family. His family members were landlords. Before and during the seventies, landlords played an active part in politics. Politicians frequently visited his father, Shah Nawaz Bhutto, who was the Prime Minister of Gujarat in early 1947 …

Take This Quiz To Find Out About Your Rights As A Consumer

A consumer is anyone who buys products and services or rents product to satisfy his own needs and wants. You may all have heard the phrase ‘Customer is always right’ in any conversation. It is said to ensure that priority is given to customer satisfaction. This small phrase reflects on your rights as a consumer …

Excuse Me? You Forgot Your Emotional Baggage Behind!

I was listening to the radio a couple of days ago and in their usual segment about news of international celebrities, they told the audience that Justin Bieber has decided to take a sabbatical from his music career. Now Justin Bieber has remained in and out of controversy in his tenure as a musician but […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out How To File An FIR In Pakistan

As the name suggests, the First Information Report (FIR) is the first record of a crime. It is a legal document prepared by the Department of Police which consists of the name and address of the person filing the report, type of crime committed, the time, date and place where the incident happened and details […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out How Much You Know About The Lahore Resolution

Each year on the 23rd March, Pakistanis honor Quid-e-Azam and other Muslim League party members in presenting the Lahore Resolution to the world. But how did the Resolution play a vital role in the lives of the Muslims living in British India? Lahore Resolution included the idea of having an independent state which having Muslim […]

Holi Hai – Here’s How It Started

Holi is celebrated by Hindus each year on the full moon day of the 12th month (Phagun) on the Hindu calendar. The tradition of throwing colors at one other started way back before India and Pakistan were two separate countries. The tradition of Holi began from the city of Multan at a time when the […]

A Lesson We Can All Learn Post The New Zealand Attack

The attack in New Zealand, resulting in the loss of 50 lives, has shattered many across the world. It is one of the instances when the government along with their Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern have accepted that it was an act of terrorism and a result of white supremacy. This is a great shift in […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out How Much You Know About Human Rights In Pakistan

The Constitution of Pakistan has outlined the basic rights which the government will grant to all its citizens. Do you know what these basic rights are? Pakistan has faced several human rights issues ever since we got independence. These issues and crimes are subjected to minorities …

Aurat March – The Inside Story

It was the second consecutive year that women marched on the streets of Pakistan. Under the umbrella of Aurat March, women from all walks of life marched for their basic rights. If you compare the march with that of the last year, you will find a greater representation of women and support of the male […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out How Much You Know About Anarkali

I am sure many of you residents of Lahore are quite familiar with the Anarkali bazaar. A place as old as time. The market dates back to 200 years and remains one of the oldest surviving markets in South Asia. Many say that the bazaar got its name from the nearby mausoleum thought to be that of a courtesan girl…

Get Your Placards Ready, Aurat March Is Back Again

Aurat March – two words which definitely created a jolt in the online community of Pakistan. Women last year joined efforts to march in the cities of Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi. After several years, women witnessed a movement for themselves as a result of a binding sisterhood. While much of the focus last year was […]

Why Do People Crack Sexist Jokes?

We have all long debated sexism but one area we venture far far away from is sexism in the jokes that we crack. Sexism in-jokes? Well, here’s how: Q: Why do women need driving licenses? A: There is no road from the bedroom to the kitchen. Many around us point that people should learn to […]

Is Mainstream Education Killing Our Creativity?

Ever since I can remember, books surrounded me. So much so that past the piles and piles of undiscovered stories, I could not hear the outside world. Especially, when my Amma called for me. I was deeply mesmerized by the beautiful mythological characters. But more so, I was in awe of how a few words can […]

What Do You Think Of The Saudi Crown Prince’s Visit To Pakistan? Take This Poll!

The recent visit by the Saudi Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS), has been debated a lot. While many have welcomed the investments in the economy, there has been critique as well. The welcoming comments highlight how investments expand to several sectors including a preferential trade agreement (PTA) to promote bilateral trade and investment, and the signing […]

Subcontinent’s Tragic Love Stories Highlight How We Deal With Love

How often do you guys think about the emotion of love? Quite often, right? Because it is very natural to want to surround yourself with people who love you. But how often are those around you okay with the mention of this emotion? Everyone around us might be okay with the idea of loving your […]

It Is National Women’s Day And Here’s Why We Celebrate It

Have you ever heard of the National Women’s Day in Pakistan? No? It’s okay. February 12 was declared National Women’s Day by former Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani in 2012. This was done to commemorate the efforts of women against the Zia regime. On this day in 1983, several women congregated at the Lahore High […]

I Took A Gap Year And It Wasn’t A Mistake

My eyes caught sight of the strangely-blue letters: ‘Beaconhouse School System A’Level Johar Town Campus’, a place that would be my second home for the next 2 years. Not even a few weeks later, on my way to the first class, with a bounce to my steps, I felt like I was already one step […]

Practice Online Safety By Following These Small Steps

February 5 is celebrated as the Safer Internet Day across the globe. On this day, we are going to discuss measures you can take to protect yourself on the internet. Why is it necessary, you ask? Well in the digital era, where social media was supposed to bridge the gap between us and our friends, […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out What You Know About The Parliament Of Pakistan

The parliament of a country is the supreme authority which manages the affairs of the country. In Pakistan, it consists of two bodies – the National Assembly and the Senate. But do you know how members of the National Assembly and Senate are elected? Let us test that out …

Asian TV Shows Are Revolutionizing Binge-Watching

We’ve all been exposed to drama series at one point in our lives, whether it’s among our friends’ circle or within our own homes. We’ve seen at least one of our family members glued to the screen as the ‘saas’ and ‘bahu’ or the sisters-in-law give each other the nastiest glares on Hum TV. Or Sultan Suleyman […]

Here Is How You Can Run For Office In Pakistan

Politics in Pakistan has always been a very distant activity. The narrative surrounding politics is that it is a dirty game and politicians generally are looked down upon but have you ever thought about participating in the process?  Would you like to run for an office in the provincial or the national assembly? We are […]

How Well Do You Know Noor Jehan? Take This Quiz!

Noor Jehan, also known as Malika-e-Tarannum (the queen of melody), was a Pakistani playback singer and actor. During her lifetime, she worked both in India and Pakistan. Her career lasted more than six decades (the 1930s–1990s). She was known as one of the most influential singers of all time, especially throughout South Asia. Many say that her persona […]

Are These Facts About Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Correct?

In a recent survey by Gallup, Pakistanis are the most patriotic nation in Asia. According to the survey, 89 percent of the Pakistani population is patriotic. With that information, we decided to test your knowledge about Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. As the founding father of the country, we are all greatly indebted to his services […]

Fathers Can Now Enjoy 10 Days Of Paternity Leave In Pakistan

The Federal Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari has approved the extension of paternity leave for a period of 10 days. This means that those fathers working in the government can now avail 10 paid days off from work after the birth of their child. The idea of paternity leave is new in Pakistan. This is […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out What You Know About Pakistan’s Constitution

A Constitution of a country is any document which outlines the fundamental principles upon which a country will be governed. The Constitution highlights what rights people of the country will get, what functions and roles the representatives will perform, the kind of government the country will have …

The Battle Between Periods And Society

Periods. Periods. Periods. Uncomfortable? Periods. Periods. Periods. Better? No? Well… tough. A period is a biological process that occurs among (mostly) all women, for a majority of their lifetime. A bleeding process which is accompanied by mood swings and pain. Its intensity varies from one person to another. And we didn’t really ask for it. […]

The Shaadi Diaries: Jawab-e-Shikwa

I left my last piece with the promise that I will talk about the preparations. And that’s precisely what I am going to do. I believe the preparation for marriage should be divided into two types: mental and physical. I took my time to deal with the mental aspect of it so that nothing feels […]

Which Language Should Our Leaders Speak?

Have you ever given a thought to how language impacts our day to day dealings? What would you do if you did not have this tool to communicate with people? Remember a time when you were either traveling up North in Pakistan or perhaps out of the country? The feeling of finding someone who can […]

Take This Quiz To Find Out How Well You Understand Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a commonly occurring crime in Pakistan. Due to the “me too” movement, many people are starting to talk about it. The movement has opened up different aspects of the problem and come to terms with them. Often, at times, we get confused about an action and think whether or not to categorize …

Take A Guess At Pakistan’s Political History

We all mess up our political history every now and then. Take this quiz to find out how well you know your Presidents and your Prime Ministers. If you get all right, mention your name in the comments below and we will give you a shoutout! Don’t forget to take a screenshot! Good luck!   […]

The Shaadi Diaries: Shikwa

Don’t get me wrong. I cannot compete with our revolutionary poet, Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and his ideas on Shikwa and Jawab e Shikwa but the words seemed perfect to describe my own journey of marriage. I wanted to share with you all how I came to terms with it and all that I ever felt […]

Here Are A Few Lessons We Can All Learn From The Politics Of Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh was one of the greatest revolutionaries to step out of the Indian Sub-continent against the British Raj. Bhagat was a very young boy when the British took over. His earliest memories are of his father being in prison due to his political activities. This led to Bhagat being very politically aware from a […]

Do You Know Which Politician Made The Following Statements?

Pakistan has had a long history of politicians and some of them have said some really wise things. Problem is that our country is plagued by so many problems that we are more inclined towards only bashing our politicians. We have picked up some great quotes by some politicians and if you guess them right, […]