Eid ul-Fitr is finally here after a month of fasting, ending Ramzan around the world. While Eid marks the end of a strenuous month, it also welcomes a new sense of self and celebration. From the elders of the family to the youngsters these days, everyone has a unique role to play. We have summed up seven different kinds of ways Eid is celebrated by Pakistanis. Which one are you?
1. The Selfie Eid
The 90s kids these days got an invention that markedly changed their celebration of Eid. Remember the good old days, when our parents would hold up the camera to click a picture which may or may not turn out right? Well, those have been replaced by smartphones that allow multiple pictures and we live for that stuff! The Eid selfies are almost mandatory now and of course, it has become a part of the Eid charm. Who doesn’t like dressing up and taking pictures? Not us!

2. The Bankrupt Eid
This one’s for our fathers (and mothers) who have to give Eidi after a month of fasting too. Eid means more spending on them. And they go bankrupt (in theory) with love. And that’s part of the charm of Eid. It is giving, it is collective, and it is fun for the kids (who don’t get to have so much fun around here). So, go easy on your parents this time. Let them have a little Eidi to themselves!

3. The Kitchen Wali Eid
Our dear mothers or any other female family member who has the responsibility of the kitchen has a very busy and tiring Eid. There is no domestic help and because we are not known for helping them around, they cannot enjoy Eid as much as they want to. Imagine having to run around all day fulfilling everyone’s post-Eid cravings. Man! And they do that with love and affection and some threats, of course! Here’s to all the ladies out there, thank you for all the effort! Don’t forget to offer them help this time around.

4. The “Samaan La Do” Eid
Hey brothers, we feel your pain. With Eid, come loads of lists of never-ending stuff that need to be bought. Someone forgets their clothes or there is a last minute ingredient missing from the new recipe someone wants to try. Sorry for the mismanagement but that’s what makes us a proud Pakistanis. Perhaps a pledge for better management this time?
5 stages of Men's Life 1: Birth 2: Beta Dahi Lado 3: Sunain Ji! Dahi Ladain. 4: Abbu! Dahi Ladain. 5 Death #Dahi_Jesi_Zindagi
— Abdullah Sheikh (@Sheikh_Says_4u) July 17, 2016
5. The Workaholic’s Eid
Don’t know very many of these? Well, that’ because work keeps them occupied on Eid too. These dedicated individuals just cannot stop because Eid is here to offer sweets and delicious food and rest. And who are we to tell them to take a chill pill? I mean that pill does not exist in their world. You might be annoyed with their obsession with work but this time around, let’s all find a middle ground?

6. The Hometown Eid
Yay! This Eid is the one to look out for. It may take light years to travel back to your hometown but once you get there, away with the craziness of the city, you get the time to catch up on the simplicities of life. The quietness of the night, the lack of light pollution, the sounds of barking dogs and the gentle breeze brushing against your face is definitely a catch. Life away from computers is nice once in a while, only if you don’t get trapped in excessive traffic due to Pakistan’s mismanaged urbanization!

7.The Northern Area Eid
Who says Eid just has to be about dressing up and food and meeting relatives? Oh, no! It can also be the perfect break to travel to the fine North of Pakistan, that offers just the scenic beauty we need. You know, the excessive focus on Punjab has brought one benefit, the North got to maintain its beauty and boy, aren’t we glad? This is for those who love to travel to the North and explore different places. Pakistanis are known to travel locally and Eid is just the perfect excuse for it. For anyone going these days, the weather is absolutely amazing. Don’t forget to take pictures!

8. The Sleepy Eid
You know who you are! No relatives, no Eidi, no fun. Just a plain old holiday that allows for you to catch up on your sleep and all those seasons that you have saved on your browser! Carry on. You are the hero! And hey, don’t say no to those new clothes.

Did we miss anyone? Let us know in the comments below!
cover image via cbc.ca