Home Tag "Religious Minorities"

Are Religious Minorities safe in Pakistan? | Out of the Box | Maati TV

In this week’s podcast, we are joined by policymaker and educator Usman Younus to discuss the community efforts in Pakistan to resolve minority conflicts. He manages the peace, democracy, and vulnerable youth portfolio at BARGAD. It is a youth-led and youth-focused organization that aims to empower youth and marginalized communities, including women and religious minorities. […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

Maati TV | The Power of Affirmative Action

Job Quota and Education Quota for Religious Minorities are two prime examples of Affirmative Action. Affirmative action is a policy that aims to increase opportunities in the workplace or education to underrepresented parts of society. The policy focuses on demographics who have historically had low representation in positions of leadership, professional roles, and academics, and […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

How are the Religious Minorities advocating for their rights | Maati TV

#ReligiousMinorities #InterfaitHarmony #MaatiTV The National Lobbying Delegation has been working tirelessly since 2012 lobbying with different institutions for policy implementation that could lead to better opportunities and equal rights for the religious minorities of Pakistan. Here is what they have to say about their journey till now and the future plans of advocacy they have […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

Education Quota for Religious Minorities | Digital Theatre | Maati TV

#ReligiousMinorities #Theatre #MaatiTV #HumanRights 11th August marks National Minority Day so let’s talk about the religious minorities living in Pakistan. We are back with another installment of our #DigitalTheatre series and today we are unpacking the need for an education quota for our religious minorities so that they can get equal opportunities and contribute towards […]

Breaking the Cycle of Child Marriage | Maati Theatre

The Church of Karachi’s Khawajasara Community | Maati TV

#Karachi #MaatiTV #TransCommunity These individuals are not just a religious minority but also a sexual minority in Pakistan. We are happy to see that there are safe spaces opening up for them. Address: Zainab Market, Fatima Jinnah Rd, Near Civil Lines, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh Holy Trinity Cathedral Email: [email protected] Phone number: 03428532134 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfEunuchs/ […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

Job and Education Quota for Religious Minorities | Maati Talks | Maati TV

#maatitalks #ReligiousMinorities #Pakistan In this episode of Maati Talks we are in conversation with minority rights activists, Pawan Kumar and Nigum Peter who have been tirelessly working to advocate for an education and job quota for religious minorities in Pakistan. For more episodes click here: Related posts: Education Quota for Religious Minorities | Maati TV […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

Education Quota for Religious Minorities | Maati TV

The government of Pakistan announced a 5 % job quote for religious minorities in order to provide this vulnerable population better opportunities however many vacancies are unfilled because so much of the youth does not have the access to proper educational facilities in order to qualify for them. Watch our explainer video on the job […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

In conversation with … ( Equal Citizenship in Pakistan) | Maati TV

#ReligiosMinoritiesInPakistan In this episode, Muhammad Waseem is in conversation with Ms Ayra Indrias- an educationist, activtist and a member of the National Lobbying Delegation for Minorities. Their discussion revolves around Education and Job Quota for Minorities, its merits, need and implementation issues being faced currently. Let us know what you think about this discussion down […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99