Home Tag "Community"

Why Community Spaces Matter? ft. Rabbania Shirjeel | Out of the Box | Maati TV

In today’s episode of Out of the Box, we are joined by Rabbania Shirjeel, founder of @tasweerghar7793 , we talk about creating and promoting communal spaces where we can openly share our experiences, thoughts, and understanding of culture, art, literature, etc. Do you believe it’s important we keep the concept of creating safe spaces to […]

How are Religious Minorities Living in Peshawar? | Maati TV

Communal qurbani in Gilgit-Baltistan

Qurbani in Gilgit-Baltistan is a very unique experience. This is because, instead of making the sacrifice alone in their homes, people come out with their animals and make the sacrifice together. This makes qurbani a very communal experience and increases its value even more. Related posts: There are no beggars in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan Kargah Buddha […]

How are Religious Minorities Living in Peshawar? | Maati TV