Pakistan has a federal form of government. In a federal government, the state is divided into different governing strata. In Pakistan, we have different provinces and each province has the power to make its own laws and decisions. An example of this is different Consumer Rights Bills were passed for each province of Pakistan.
The federal government is divided into three categories: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.

Under the umbrella of the Legislation, there is the Parliament which is furthered categorized into two houses, The Senate and the National Assembly. The Judiciary consists of courts like the High Court, Supreme Court, etc to make sure law and order prevail in our country. The Executive block is the administrative body of the government consisting of the Federal Cabinet.
Under the Federal Cabinet, there are the Federal Ministries or Divisions. Each Ministry is assigned to either the elected representative of the Parliament or either assigned to non-elected people called Advisors rather than Ministers.
Quite recently, the PTI government shuffled some of its ministers. Do you know which Minister got replaced with another?
Take this quiz to find out which Minister is responsible for which Federal Ministries and what are their responsibilities as a Minister.
cover image via dawn.com