Home Tag "idea"

Climate Change | Maati TV

The impacts of climate change on different sectors of society are interrelated. Drought can harm food production and human health. Flooding can lead to disease spread and damages to ecosystems and infrastructure. Leading to Human health issues, which can increase mortality, impact food availability, and limit worker productivity. We asked the young and energetic participants […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99

Democracy Pro Max | Coming Soon | Maati TV

#maatitv #democracy #pakistanelection Democracy is one of the most important part of the state. With the time, democratic values get better. Our young and energetic participants in the Maati Tv workshop came up with an interesting idea of enhancement of Democracy in 2050 and they named this idea “Democracy Pro Max” where they shared the […]

Has Society Failed Men and Women? | Out of the Box | Maati TV | EP 99