Home Tag "sexual harassment"

Maati Talks | Public Hangings and CCPO comments

In this episode of Maati Talks we talk about the recent motorway incident, the comments passed by CCPO and our take on public hangings. For more episodes of Maati Talks, click here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4OdumqOCzg&list=PL4UN4yzL1-_gcCxO9632gSIbYYfEyhFvH Related posts: Maati Talks : Is Social Media Changing for Pakistan Maati Explains | Fundamental Rights part 2 | Ep 4 […]

Hunza Mein Glacier Ka Paani | Maati TV x WWF Pakistan

The Ukhano Controversy – How Should We React?

Before going into an entire narrative on whether or not Ukhano is right or wrong, we have to learn to dissect sexual harassment allegations. We have to be wary of character assassination, online bullying, and be very sensitive when it comes to such allegations as they are tricky for all parties involved, especially with the […]

A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling

Of Apologies And Sexual Misconduct – Aziz Ansari

Aziz Ansari is back on tour after the whole sexual misconduct episode. Aziz Ansari is an American comedian, who was accused of sexual misconduct, by a photographer he went on a date with. Ansari’s initial reaction to the episode was that he was shocked that the person felt this way because he could not decipher […]

A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling

Say No To Harassment At Public Events

“A public event, as the name suggests, could refer to any event open for the general public. Exhibitions, expositions, fairs, festivals, entertainment, cause-related, fundraising, and leisure events are all examples of a public event.” By definition, public events are supposed to have an inclusion of all. Public events should be about delightful scenes, exciting environment, […]

A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling