Home Tag "human rights in pakistan"

What does it mean to be a Citizen of Pakistan | Ep 6 | Maati Theatre

#CitizenofPakistan #citizenship #civiceducation For previous episodes click here: In this episode we take a look at what it means to be a Citizen of Pakistan. More importantly what the government owes its citizens and how can the citizen hold the government accountable. This is our digital theatre series where we explore our fundamental and civic […]

Breaking the Cycle of Child Marriage | Maati Theatre

How are the Religious Minorities advocating for their rights | Maati TV

#ReligiousMinorities #InterfaitHarmony #MaatiTV The National Lobbying Delegation has been working tirelessly since 2012 lobbying with different institutions for policy implementation that could lead to better opportunities and equal rights for the religious minorities of Pakistan. Here is what they have to say about their journey till now and the future plans of advocacy they have […]

How are Religious Minorities Living in Peshawar? | Maati TV

Take This Quiz To Find Out About The Transgender Persons Act In Pakistan

Transgenders have been a part of this society for a very long time. However, their influence has substantially reduced over the years. They were once advisors, administrators, and generals for the Mughal emperors and for the Ottoman Empire. They were highly respected in the Mughal Courts...

A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling

Take This Quiz To Find Out How To File An FIR In Pakistan

As the name suggests, the First Information Report (FIR) is the first record of a crime. It is a legal document prepared by the Department of Police which consists of the name and address of the person filing the report, type of crime committed, the time, date and place where the incident happened and details […]

A Platform Unlike Any: The Minorities’ Youth learning the Art of Digital Storytelling